
Enter your birth experience feeling CONFIDENT & EMPOWERED instead
of scared, anxious & uncertain

8 Weekly Sessions 

Welcome to Birth CEO where we invite
YOU to be the CEO of your pregnancy and birth!

Congratulations! We are so excited to guide you on this journey as you bring new life into this world.

Are you ready to take ownership of your pregnancy journey and craft a birth story that truly reflects your power and vision?

Here at Birth CEO, your journey to health and pregnancy takes centre stage.

Discover Your Power
This meticulously crafted program, led by Dr. Cindy Tahhan, ND, places the reins firmly in your hands. It’s time to take charge of your health, enhance your pregnancy, and optimize your path to parenthood.

Your Pregnancy Journey, On Your Terms
Regardless of where you are in your pregnancy journey—whether you’re on the cusp of starting, eagerly awaiting a fertility clinic slot, or already immersed in your second trimester—the Birth CEO program is your comprehensive online solution.

Your Body, Your Baby, Your Choice
At Birth CEO, your autonomy is paramount. You have the freedom to choose what aligns best with your pregnancy & birth goals and aspirations. We’re here to support your choices, every step of the way.

“As crazy as it sounds, I had never considered that birthing your baby could be a positive and empowering process”


I just want to thank Cindy for changing my whole outlook on birth and for always being the little voice in my ear telling me that I was writing my own birth story and to believe in the power of my body and my baby. As crazy as it sounds, I had never considered that birthing your baby could be a positive and empowering process. I also hadn’t thought about the fact that my body was literally made to do this. This shift in perspective helped me go into my first birth with confidence, not fear, and although that birth story did not go as I’d hoped (births are always a surprise of course – early water break, Pitocin induction, epidural, c-section) I was able to go into my second birth even more prepared.

With Cindy’s example and support, I was able to reclaim my power with my second baby. I did everything differently and achieved the unmedicated VBAC that I desired. Let’s just say being about to walk from the delivery room to the recovery room right after giving birth was an awesome feeling. Without Cindy, I probably would have just gone with whatever the doctors told me to do, sweeps from 39 weeks, induction if your baby is “too big” or late, constant checks in labour, coached pushing etc. Because of Cindy, my eyes were opened to a whole new world of unmedicated, powerful, positive birth where I am the one who is in control, everyone is there to support me, and I am the leader, not the follower and for that I am forever

Melissa Horlick

Retreat Guest
Unmedicated VBAC in Hospital

Meet Your Birth C.E.O Facilitator

Hi, I’m Cindy!

I am a Mom of 2 beautiful girls, a Naturopathic Doctor, a Birth Educator, and Podcast & Retreat Host.

Being able to lead myself and gather the resources/tools/support and practices I needed to create the birth experience I desired was one of the most empowering and beautiful experiences of my life. I realized that I had connected to an innate ability that all of us possess in our divine feminine nature. It is my life’s purpose to guide others through this incredible initiation & birthright and help to welcome new life into this world in the most well-informed, supported and connected way.

It is not only possible to do this, it is our inherent nature

With Love,

Dr. Cindy Tahhan 

In a world where the media often fills us with fear and anxiety about birth, it’s no wonder you might feel overwhelmed. At Birth CEO, we understand. As a busy woman, you already juggle so much, and the thought of diving into endless research on birth can feel daunting.

But what if you could approach your pregnancy and birth with the same confidence and leadership you bring to the rest of your life?

We believe you can. Imagine stepping into your role as the CEO of your own birth, armed with evidence-based research, a toolbox of resources, and a deep trust in your body’s wisdom. Birth isn’t simply a medical event; it’s an incredible right of passage into your power as a mother. We’re here to help you embrace that journey, providing you with expert guidance, inspired mentoring, and a supportive community.

We celebrate the qualities that make you a leader: your compassion, curiosity, vision and desire to do what’s best for your baby, yourself and your family. We’re here to ensure that your birth experience reflects those same traits. By shifting the narrative away from fear and towards empowerment, we help you reclaim birth as a natural, beautiful process that you were designed for.

Join us in this journey. Let’s redefine what birth can be—an experience filled with confidence, joy, and profound connection. Together, we’ll create a culture that honors and supports you every step of the way.

Welcome to Birth CEO, where your empowered motherhood journey begins.

Ready to be the CEO of your birthing journey?


Learn what’s normal, healthy and possible in labour & birth and how you can prepare for the experience you desire and deserve and feel safe doing so. By the end of this program, you will understand that you and your baby are guiding the process, you are the CEO of your experience, and you will be confident in knowing you have all the resources & support you need to have the birth experience you desire on this sacred journey into motherhood


  • Naturopathic doctors
  • Medical doctors
  • Midwives
  • Doulas
  • Therapists
  • Pelvic Floor Physiotherapists
  • Lactation consultants

$1700 VALUE


  • Community support
  • Resource sharing
  • Accountability
  • Emotional support
  • Ask questions
  • Build friendships and connections
  • Hear real-life stories 

$700 Value


  • Nutritional support
  • Hormone balance
  • Optimal Birth Outcomes
  • Healing Postpartum
  • Mental Wellness
  • Long-term health

$2500 Value

My first daughter’s home water birth

My second daughter’s home water birth

There is nothing more beautiful than witnessing a supported and empowered mother bring her baby into this world with confidence and an embodiment of her true nature. Spending countless hours researching the birthing process and understanding the innate ability of both mama and baby to work together has been such a magical and eye-opening journey. I now know that we possess the power to create the birth experience we desire and deserve, no matter what that looks like.

For me, that was 2 incredible home water births (including being able to deliver my second daughter myself) surrounded by candles, music, diffused essential oils and the support I wanted and needed in that profound moment of initiation into motherhood.

For others, that may be a planned c-section, and that is incredible too. I want you to know that you have the innate power when it comes to your body and your baby BUT you need the right support, resources, tools and guidance.

How we bring our children into this world matters in ways we might not yet fully understand and that is why this work lights up my soul!

I invite you to become a part of a community that will support you on your journey from pre-conception & pregnancy and guide you through the initiation into your true power during labour & birth on your terms as well as provide the support you need postpartum.

When you are supported and well, your baby reaps the benefits!

Feeling The Love

Mariam Song

Podcast Guest

Yesterday was a gift. Thank you for thinking of me. You transformed the interview to extend far beyond the physical experience. You are giving voice to the mass silencing of women in motherhood. Future generations will thank you. Our past generations are so proud of you. Thank you for hearing me and bearing witness to my pain. This was a truly profound thing and touched me at an indelible level.

Anastassia Zakrjevskaia

Retreat Guest

The whole experience was surreal. Being able to connect with myself on this level was beautiful. Thank you!

Audrey Cheok-Fung

Retreat Guest

Thank you for hosting such a wonderful invigorating and rejuvenating retreat yesterday! I feel so refreshed today! You did a fantastic job! I felt so connected with the group yesterday and I had an amazing time. Sabina was shining her light down on us the whole time!! Thanks again!! Can’t wait for the next one!

Picture This…..

You’re in labour, surrounded by your choice of support people who honor your choices and provide unwavering encouragement. Your birth environment feels like a sanctuary, with soft lighting and soothing aromas. Each surge (i.e. contraction) feels like a wave of power propelling you forward. You move freely, finding positions that instinctively feel right, while your body works in perfect harmony with your baby. Imagine tapping into a primal strength, drawing upon the wisdom of generations of women who have birthed before you. And as your baby enters the world, you feel an overwhelming sense of empowerment and accomplishment, knowing you’ve journeyed through this transformative experience with courage, grace and a deep trust in who you are.

This kind of birth is possible for you with the right tools, knowledge, and support. That’s where we come in!

The Birth C.E.O Framework

Each jam packed meeting is 1hr long followed by a live 30 minute Q&A session to ensure your questions get answered.

Module 1 – Setting The Foundation: Mental, Emotional, Physical, & Spiritual

Week 1

✓ Re-framing our cultural and societal approach to birth
✓ Understanding the physiologic birth: What’s normal and healthy
✓ Explore the hormonal cascade of birth and how to prevent interrupting it
✓ Childbirth without fear, anxiety, and uncertainty but rather with love, safety & trust (The Profound Imprint)

Week 2

✓ Learn about the power of the mind and how to rewire your brain for childbirth 
✓ Explore what’s possible in childbirth  (The Birth Experience Spectrum)
✓ Explore and Refine your desired birth experience (on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual)
✓ What practitioners are available to aid in common pregnancy health concerns

$900 Value

Module 2 – Putting it into Practice

Week 3

✓ Trusting your body and your baby
✓ Connecting to your intuition & nature
✓ Guided Hypnobirthing, visualization, breathwork & meditative practices for childbirth
✓ Sending the signal of safety to your nervous system (Nourishing your body, mind, soul & spirit)
✓ Stress Regulating Techniques 

Week 4

✓ Movement in labour & birth: Rhythm & Optimal Positioning 
✓ Somatic release & Intuitive movement 
✓ Naturopathic therapies, remedies & nutrition for optimal prenatal health & relief of common pregnancy discomforts
✓ Sacred sensuality and sexuality in the context of childbirth
✓ Partner Involvement in the Birth Process

$1250 Value

Module 3 – Preparing for Labour, Birth & Postpartum

Week 5

✓ Creating a comfortable birth environment
✓ Acupressure & other natural pain relief remedies in labour
✓ Water birth preparation (if you choose to use water)
✓ Embodying the birthing goddess: getting in touch with your divine feminine nature

Week 6

✓ What you need to have on hand before, during and after birth for optimal outcomes
✓ Nutrition in labour: nutrient-rich foods for sustained energy
✓ Hydration & fasting in labour

$850 Value

BONUS – Baby is here! Now What?

Week 7

✓ Bonding with your baby 101
✓ Creating the space for a magical first 40 days & beyond
✓ Naturopathic remedies and support for optimal healing
✓ Naturopathic Care for Postpartum Physical and Mental Wellness
✓ Supporting hormonal balance and emotional well-being

Week 8

✓ Breastfeeding support, remedies, and nutrition 
✓ What are the essentials to have on hand for a positive postpartum experience? 
✓ How to build a supportive community for a healthy transition into parenthood 
✓ What practitioners are available to aid in common postpartum health concerns and a thriving newborn 
✓ Resources for continued naturopathic care

$850 Value

Get access to replays for one year, community support, and enjoy Q&A bonuses in each module

How is this program different from other birth prep programs?

This program was created from a naturopathic perspective blending the most up-to-date evidence-based research with traditional & practical wisdom to get the best of both worlds.

Is this program only for first time Moms?

NO! This program is for ALL moms who want to be well-informed, supported and feel confident entering the birth process. Whether you’re a first-time mom, a mom who has given birth before and wants a different experience (ex. VBAC, healing from birth trauma) OR a mom who just wants a refresher on how to prepare herself best for her upcoming birth, this program is for you MAMA

Do you guarantee that I will have my desired brith experience?

Our focus is on providing you with the information, tools, resources and support you need to have an empowered birth and postpartum experience. Although we cannot guarantee that you will have your desired birth, we support you throughout your journey, no matter what happens.

What can I expect after taking this program?

After completing this course, you’ll feel confident and empowered as you get closer to your due date. You’ll understand the birth process, knowing what’s normal and natural. Plus, you’ll have a whole toolbox of techniques to support you through labor, birth, and the postpartum period. And the best part? You’ll join a community of like-minded Mamas who’ll be there to support you and answer any questions you have.

Does it matter where I live?

No matter where you are on this beautiful planet, you can join us! This program is entirely virtual, so you can get all the support and information you need from anywhere in the world. Plus, you’ll get recordings of all the sessions. So, if time zones or your schedule don’t quite line up, you won’t miss a thing.

Does it matter if I plan to give birth at home, in a birth center or in a hospital

The guidance and resources offered in this course can be applied to all birthing environments. You will also feel prepared for what may happen if your birthing environment unexpectedly changes. We’ve thought of everything!

Is this course live?

This course IS live! Don’t worry if you can’t make the scheduled times, you will receive the recordings so you don’t miss a thing.

If I am not pregnant yet but hope to be soon, is this program a good fit for me?

Absolutely! This course is perfect for you, even if you’re not pregnant yet but are hoping to be soon. It’s designed to help you prepare for birth, giving you valuable knowledge and tools ahead of time. Whether you’ve had a positive pregnancy test or not, you’ll feel ready and confident when the time comes.

Do you offer refunds?

Due to the exceptional value of our live program and the immediate access to bonus material, we do not offer refunds. However, we want you, as a mom-to-be, to feel completely confident that this program is right for you.

I still have questions - what can I do?

Send me an e-mail at cindy@drcindytahhan.com

Your Investment


Special Beta Launch pricing available for a limited time only.
8 Weekly Sessions 
Limited spaces available.
Regular $2550
Today Only $497!!!
(That’s less than $65 per class. We know, it’s too good to be true.)


The Birth CEO Experience Worksheets $45 Value
Guide to the first 40 days postpartum $67 Value
Natural Labour Induction Guide  $39 Value
Preparing your home for baby  $55 Value
Conversations to have with your partner BEFORE baby arrives  $99 Value
Access to our Birth Story Processing Support Group  $130 Value

Total Bonus Value

What You Can Expect From The Birth CEO Program

Expert Guidance
Led by a seasoned Naturopathic Doctor, our program provides you with expert advice and guidance at every turn. Your journey will be enriched with evidence-based practices, ensuring both you and your baby’s health are the top priority.

Supportive Community
Connect with a tribe of like-minded women who understand your journey intimately. Share stories, ask questions, and find solace in a community that stands with you, celebrating the highs and supporting you through the lows

Comprehensive Modules
Dive deep into our meticulously crafted modules that cover every aspect of pregnancy and postpartum. From nurturing your body with the right nutrition to managing those rollercoaster emotions, we’ve got you covered.

Guided Experiences
Hypnobirthing exercises
Visualization techniques
Nervous System Regulation
Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Connecting to your Intuition
Re-wiring Reponse to Pain & Sensation

We’re here to help and we’d love to hear from you!

Send us an email at cindy@cindytahhan.com

Interactive Workbooks
Our thoughtfully designed workbooks will guide you through introspection and self-discovery, helping you to set personal goals and track your progress along the way.
Sil voil plait.

Retreat Special Offers
Get first access and special pricing on our immersive retreats that will rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit before & after baby. Our healing retreats are your chance to step away from the every day to indulge in self-care and relaxation

Can’t Make This One?

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